Tint Liability Waiver
The application of any product with an aggressive adhesive system requires the use of water and some type of “slip” agent. Both are harmless. Our installers will wipe down all surfaces which come in contact with water immediately when finished with installation on that particular piece of glass. Any carpeted areas will return to their original condition.
Per the IWFA (International Window Film Association) The glass with applied films shall be viewed at right angles to the glass from the room side and at a distance no less than six (6) feet. Viewing shall be carried out in natural daylight, not in direct sun light. The installation is deemed acceptable if all of the following are unobtrusive (effects during 30-60 day cure time should be disregarded). Dirt Particles, Hair and Fibers, Adhesive Gels, Fingerprints, Air Bubbles, Water Haze, Scores and Scratches, Film Distortion, Creases, Edge Lifting, Nicks and Tears. If any of these conditions still exist after 30-60 days we request the customer return at such time to have us evaluate the film. WE CANNOT DO AN INSPECTION OVER THE PHONE, VIA EMAIL OR THROUGH PICTURES; WE MUST SEE THE VEHICLE/GLASS AT OUR LOCATION FOR INSPECTION.ONCE INSTALLED WINDOW FILM MATERIAL IS INTENDED TO BE VIEWED FROM A DISTANCE OF SIX (6) FEET FROM THE GLASS AND IS DEEMED AS ACCEPTABLE.
Gaps On Edges
While we make every effort to get the film as close to the edges as we can, when window film is installed, there may be slight gaps. This allows for the water used in the installation to be squeegeed out. This also ensures that the film edges are not raised up by contact with the frame margin, dot matrix or other moldings, etc. Contact with the frame, dot matrix or moldings can lead to peeling of the film. A gap may also exist due to the type of glass or windows that the film is installed on
Dot Matrix
Found on certain side windows and most back windows. This is a raised surface from the glass that usually borders the windows. As a result, most films adhere poorly to this area. Resulting in a white appearance from the outside when completely dry. Certain back windows have this matrix on the top which can be a few inches wide.
Black Borders
Depending upon the thickness (above the surface of the glass) of the border, a very thin white line may appear from the outside when dry where the black border ends.
Stereo, Amplifiers, After Market Equipment
Please inform us before work has begun of any hidden electrical equipment which may react adversely to water, hidden areas where water is likely to be used.
Most speaker cones are made of polypropylene (plastic) and cannot be damaged by small amounts of water, however, it is suggested that the stereo may not be used for 12 hours after installation to allow any stray moisture to dry.
Any glass, brand new or old, can have light or heavy surfaces scratches, internal or external. These scratches, although previously undetectable will show up after the application of window tint.
Glass Antennas, Cell Phones, Or Sensor
Signal reception may be impeded after the application of any window film which contains any metal. Signal reception to any handheld or portable cell phone may be impeded after the application of any window film which contains any metal.
Car’s Interior & Exterior
Most paint is not perfect. Most vehicle interior are not in perfect condition either. It is natural to look at any new purchase closely, especially one that changes the overall look of your vehicle as much as window tinting. Sometimes minute defects that were already there will now be noticed. Our company is not responsible for any minute flaws in the vehicle's interior and or exterior unless thoroughly inspected by the customer and one of the team members before installation begins.
Door Panel, Rubbers, & Seals
We do not cut rubbers on roll up windows. Sometimes it is necessary to push them down to facilitate drying. Roll all your windows all the way down and up after 3 days from the installation date. To make sure that all the rubber seals are up all the way and are not sticking down. If sticking, STOP rolling them up and down, contact us immediately and come in. When film has been newly applied, the films surface is very susceptible to sticking to very tight rubbers and pulling them up and down with the movement of the glass. We spray a special polish/cleaner on your film and rectify the condition. If you do not bring the car back immediately and cease the tint rolling the windows up and down you can cause permanent damage to the door panels, windows, motors and window tint.
Warranty Work
No warranty work will be performed without all your original paperwork. Vehicle must be brought into the shop to have any problem areas inspected prior to scheduling an appropriate installation time and date.
Product Liability
All products guaranteed to be as specified; All products are scratch resistant not scratch proof. Any scratches to the film caused by rolling the windows up or down after installation is not our responsibility. After we are done with the job, we will offer a first-time polish and inspection of our work.
Choosing Film Type & Shade
Our team will only suggest film type and shade you want. If you chose film that is darker than the legal limit and your receive a ticket for window tint, this is your responsibility and not ours. After the material has been cut, any changes may require an additional cost, above and beyond the original price that was quoted to you, the customer.
Defroster Lines
When removing tint from your rear windshield we will do everything in our power to save your defroster lines. We do this by using professional grade steamers to soften the glue and keep your defroster lines in tact. There is still a risk even when using steamers your defroster lines will be damaged, and we will not be responsible.